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* The above fare table was last updated on 07-3-2025 03:19 AM. The sample fares are for round trip economy class flights per passenger in US dollars, unless specified. Fares are inclusive of fuel surcharges, service fee and taxes. Fares are subject to change without prior notice and cannot be guaranteed at the time of booking. Read our terms and conditions for more information.
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Flight route | Flight distance | Flight time | Time zone difference |
San Francisco to Tokyo | 5148 miles (8285 km) | 10 hours 48 minutes | Tokyo is 16 hours ahead |
Honolulu to Tokyo | 3854 miles (6203 km) | 08 hours 13 minutes | Tokyo is 19 hours ahead |
New York City to Tokyo | 6758 miles (10876km) | 14 hours 01 minute | Tokyo is 13 hours ahead |
Chicago to Tokyo | 6312 miles (10159 km) | 13 hours 07 minutes | Tokyo is 14 hours ahead |
Phoenix to Tokyo | 5797 miles (9330 km) | 12 hours 06 minutes | Tokyo is 16 hours ahead |
Los Angeles to Tokyo | 5484 miles (8825 km) | 11 hours 28 minutes | Tokyo is 16 hours ahead |
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