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Traveling in a group is not just fun but also more affordable and convenient. Enjoy Skytripfare Group Flight Discounts per ticket, extra flexibility to manage your group flight reservation, and a dedicated representative to handle your request or query. Whether it’s a one-way, round-trip, or multi-city flight, we help you get the best group flight itinerary.
Collecting Group Travel Requirement |
Working on Group Travel Requirements |
Coordination and Booking |
Managing the Booking |
We collect your group booking requirement online (via the Group Booking Form) or over the phone. |
Based on your destination, route, budget, schedules, airline & fare type, we share a list of flight itineraries. |
We coordinate with you, and based on your preference get your group flight confirmed with the airline. |
From passenger list changes to payment, refund, departure, and arrival – our group travel representative stays with you. |
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