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Los Angeles
San Francisco
New York
Washington, D.C.
* The above fare table was last updated on 07-3-2025 02:34 AM. The sample fares are for round trip economy class flights per passenger in US dollars, unless specified. Fares are inclusive of fuel surcharges, service fee and taxes. Fares are subject to change without prior notice and cannot be guaranteed at the time of booking. Read our terms and conditions for more information.
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Traveling in a group is not just fun but also more affordable and convenient. Enjoy Skytripfare Group Flight Discounts per ticket, extra flexibility to manage your group flight reservation, and a dedicated representative to handle your request or query. Whether it’s a one-way, round-trip, or multi-city flight, we help you get the best group flight itinerary.
Collecting Group Travel Requirement |
Working on Group Travel Requirements |
Coordination and Booking |
Managing the Booking |
We collect your group booking requirement online (via the Group Booking Form) or over the phone. |
Based on your destination, route, budget, schedules, airline & fare type, we share a list of flight itineraries. |
We coordinate with you, and based on your preference get your group flight confirmed with the airline. |
From passenger list changes to payment, refund, departure, and arrival – our group travel representative stays with you. |
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