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Los Angeles
San Francisco
New York
Washington, D.C.
* The above fare table was last updated on 13-3-2025 07:16 PM. The sample fares are for round trip economy class flights per passenger in US dollars, unless specified. Fares are inclusive of fuel surcharges, service fee and taxes. Fares are subject to change without prior notice and cannot be guaranteed at the time of booking. Read our terms and conditions for more information.
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Months: June, July, August
Months: December, January, February, March
Flight route |
Flight distance |
Flight time |
Time Difference |
Seattle to Miami |
2724 miles (4384 km) |
5 hours 14 minutes |
MIA is 3 hours ahead |
Honolulu to Miami |
4862 miles (7825 km) |
10 hours 13 minutes |
MIA is 5 hours ahead |
New York City to Miami |
1092 miles (1757 km) |
2 hours 41 minutes |
Same time zone |
Chicago to Miami |
1,187 miles (1911 km) |
2 hours 52 minutes |
MIA is 1 hour ahead |
Phoenix to Miami |
1972 miles (3174 km) |
3 hours 50 minutes |
MIA is 2 hours ahead |
Philadelphia to Miami |
1013 miles (1630 km) |
2 hours 21 minutes |
Same time zone |
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